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Bonnee's space

Tag: Hifi

Two channel audio source switch with Wi-Fi

The HiFi system in my livingroom is centered around an amplifier from the ’80s. There are a few audio sources connected to it: A television A Chromecast Audio A record player The amplifier is powered through a smart plug that, through the power of Home Assistant, turns on whenever there is an active audio source and gets shut when there is none. Although nice and very convenient, this is not enough from keeping the listener from fiddling with the amplifier’s switches to choose the right audio source, since it gets toggled quite often between the TV and the Chromecast.

Raspberry Pi audio player

Originally published on Instructables A minimalistic music player based on Raspberry Pi model B with HiFiBerry DAC and ATXRaspi power controller. I made this with the help (also economical) of my father. Inspired by this and this. Parts A Raspberry Pi (I used the model B because I had one lying around the house); (optional) A DAC (I reccomend HiFiberry DAC, it sounds good); (optional) ATXRaspi power controller (to shut down and power up the Raspi easilly); An enclosure (mine was 200mmx125mmx51mm externally); A power supply (I used a MeanWell RS-15-5 5V 3A power supply from amazon); A power switch (My version has a reed switch on top of the power led that toggles if I swipe a magnet on front of it); Cables to wire all the devices to the rear panel (I added a HDMI cable to use this project as a media center); (optional) an IR receiver; (optional) A fuse.